Saturday, January 12, 2008

Celia's Second Blog for Library Systems Class-Annual Reports

The end of one year and the beginning of the next means reports if you are a library director. This past week I have been filling out the State Library's annual report. The report on my library ended up 43 pages along with a 6 page supplement and a signature page. I am glad that these reports can be done on-line. I am a horrible typest on a typewriter so I'm glad that the computer does it for me especially fitting the numbers in the boxes and on the right lines with the added benefit of seeing what was put in for the previous year. I am also grateful that back in 2005 my library got automated. The automation system makes it fairly easy to come up with all the numbers that the report requires. I can't imagine how the libraries without such a system could come up with all the information that is needed. It has to take them forever as the report took me the better part of 3 days. What I really find amazing it that some libraries don't even have access to the Internet, how do they function as I find that such a basic requirement.

The report showed that my library is progressing which makes me very happy. We have more non-residents buying cards. With my library being a town only library in a township that doesn't have library service, this is encouraging. We also increased in our student cards. We offer free cards to students of Roanoke Elementary School who live outside the town limits during the school year. We also increased in our circulating materials except for magazine subscriptions. For some reason, our magazines just don't go out that well except for a few specifics like Newsweek, Oprah, Midwest Living, Taste of Home and American Girl. We have been working hard to get new books in and weed the ones we have. We are so small with such limited space this is quite a task. We had quite a few books in a town hall storage room that we have now weeded a lot of and are having a big "take home a book for a donation" since the town hall needed that space back. We can't call it a "book sale" because if we do the Friends of the Roanoke Public Library would have to pay sales tax since the library is selling the books on their behalf.

The report is finished now except for having my board president look it over and sign the signature page. I have already sent the supplement electronically as my answers disappeared on it if I left the site it is on and tried to come back. As soon as my board president OK's the main report, it too will be sent electronically. Only the signature page has to actually be mailed. It is such a relief to have it done but more reports are due soon so the fun is just beginning.

So now you know what I'm up to. Check back later for more updates.


Anonymous said...

Hey Celia!

Sounds like you've been busy. Being in a branch, we don't see a lot of reports but I do know that purchasing reports and budgeting for my story time collection would be a giant mess without them. I'm an equally bad typist and also bad with keeping track of money spent...and many other things. Without the help of the technology to do much of this for me I might pull my hair out. Good luck with all your reporting!

Helen Leinbach said...

Congratulations Celia on finishing your annual report. I confess I have yet to start on mine. Have you started on your LAR? That is one I have been able to give to my bookkeeper to complete. For that I am very thankful.
I am impressed with your time management skills! You seem to post your assignments fairly early in the week. That is one area I am working on.