This week the Board of Trustees meet on Tuesday and discussed budget matters. It seems that the tax money which is the library's main income will be delayed due to tax problems at the county and state levels. The money usually comes in June as is now not expected until August or after. This is going to put a real crunch on the library as we will not be able to order books or videos or anything that isn't absolutely necessary until after the money comes in. It is going to be tough going this summer without new books and videos to please the patrons. But a great fall as we will have to make up for the shortages in those areas before the end of the year.
We have also found out that for a reason we don't know the state has cut our budget by $10,000. We are planning to appeal or at least ask why this happened.
On the good new side, the color printer which we thought was going to cost us $643 to repair only cost $125. A new part was not required after all. A small piece of paper got stuck in an area that is all but inaccessible. The technician was able to find it and remove it and the printer is working great. THANK YOU, FATES!!!
The computers have been busy this week. With the weather being better, people are getting out and coming to the library.
I have been working on a new big addition to the library's website. I am hoping to have it up and running come May or June. Look for it. It is called KID CLICK-EVERYTHING FOR KIDS AT THE ROANOKE PUBLIC LIBRARY!